Merchant Export

Merchant export refers to the process of exporting goods that are purchased from domestic manufacturers or suppliers, and then sold to foreign buyers in other countries. Metier, acts as an intermediary between the domestic manufacturer or supplier and the foreign buyer, handling all the export-related formalities and logistics.
We as a merchant exporter takes care of all the export-related documentation, such as obtaining export licenses, arranging for transportation, handling customs clearance, and ensuring that the goods comply with all relevant regulations and standards in the destination country. We also do quality control, packaging, and labeling to ensure that the products meet the needs of the foreign buyer
Our merchant export model is a popular business model for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that do not have the resources or expertise to handle all the aspects of exporting directly. By acting as an intermediary, We, as a merchant exporter provide value-added services to both the domestic supplier and the foreign buyer.

Manufacturing export

Manufacturing export refers to the process of exporting goods or products that are manufactured in a domestic facility and then sold to buyers in other countries. Metier as a manufacturing exporter produces the goods in their own factories from raw materials through a manufacturing process, and then exports them to foreign buyers.
Metier Lifestyle take care of various stages, from designing and prototyping to production, quality control, packaging, and shipping. We as a manufacturing exporter comply with all relevant regulations and standards in both the domestic and foreign markets, ensuring that the products meet the requirements of the destination country.

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On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike.